Take control of your work-career during or after cancer

Our Work-Cancer Coach assists individuals in navigating the impact of cancer on their work, professional development, and career. Personalised coaching aims to empower individuals, helping them maintain or regain control of their working life. Every cancer and work situation are unique; hence, our coaching sessions are tailored to the individual’s specific goals and aspirations.

Three FREE 45-minute sessions, with an option for additional sessions at a nominal fee of $95 each.

Participation via MS Teams

One-on-one coaching / mentoring

Our Work-Cancer Network Groups bring together individuals navigating cancer while working, fostering a safe, caring, and confidential environment where shared experiences create connections. Within these groups, participants can offer and receive support, exchange valuable information, and share thoughts and ideas. Research confirms that such supportive environments significantly enhance quality of life and emotional well-being

Join one of our 5 FREE Network Groups: Women, Men, Inclusive Network (all genders), Metastatic, Carers

Networks meet monthly for 60-minutes (maximum of 12 participants per session)

Participation via MS Teams

Work-Cancer Network Groups

Our Information Forums are led by specialist, leaders, and people with lived-cancer experience. We foster open and honest discussions about sensitive, personal experiences. It is an opportunity to network with others and learn about different approaches to common challenges. Topics include what to disclose to my workplace, building an effective return to work plan, mutually beneficial adjustments, self-care while working with cancer, setting new boundaries, achieving career aspirations during and post-cancer, and understanding workplace rights.

Open to employees, employers, carers, self-employed, job seekers, health professionals.

Participation via MS Teams

Information & Networking Forums