Personal Stories and Insights on Impact

People living with and after cancer

… when asking for an accommodation …. [If] you were to say that there could be an issue of you doing the job, the employer could say, okay we are going to ask you to step back from this temporary position right now and have someone else do it ...

… It was a weird feeling … it [felt] very much like I was starting a new job again … feeling anxious … a retraining period did help because I wasn’t just thrown back into my job

… It felt like I was asking for an accommodation that was beyond the return to work [process in place]… he really understood [my needs] on a personal level but he also was like we need to follow the agreement.  (M Stergiou-Kita et al. 2016)

Employees and work colleagues

… it's a topic that is not talked about and it is refreshing that the conversation has started

… our team is picking up the feedback, to see how [we] can better support its people experiencing cancer and serious illnesses. The impact of your session will be felt well into the future (workplace group discussion 2022)

… managers have to understand that the expectations during the modified plan [will not be] exactly the same as they were before

… not a lot of part-time jobs … sometimes they can do a brilliant job but they can only do so much of it

 … because of your session, our team is picking up the feedback to see how [we] can better support its people experiencing cancer and serious illnesses. The impact of your session will be felt well into the future. (2022)

… your presentation gave me insights into what it's like for a breast cancer survivor to negotiate leave and contact with the workplace during diagnosis and treatment. (2022)

… applied for 4 days – they said no at first then I pulled the ‘cancer card’ … and they not only agreed to 0.8 but also made the duties less stressful. (2022)

Insights from participants: Creating Cancerkind® Workplaces Webinar Series (2024)

… I have found the webinar series really beneficial and feel like I now have the insights and resources I need to implement a policy in my workplace...

…This is the most important webinar series I have experienced as a manager; it has had a huge impact…

…I have learned so much! Excellent all around…

…This should be offered in every workplace…

My leader:

… I had no idea of the long and difficult journey awaiting her, and the lack of awareness may have contributed to the challenging conversations ahead

… I welcomed the opportunities to talk, but was always concerned to see and hear how difficult and drawn out the whole experience was for her