Employers, leaders and work colleagues

Corine Tiedtke’s research highlights an important call to action for employers:

the interests of employer and employee in relation to return to work are interrelated; both have responsibility and a role to play, and both are in need of support.”

Layla Branicki in discussing responsible work and cancer, also highlights the importance of:

partnering for mutual benefit, on-going tailored adjustments, extraordinary, discretionary support exceeding the accommodations [adjustments] employees expect.

LiveWorkCancer assists teams to establish this type of workplace, and we call it CancerKind®.

Start a conversation about cancer in your workplace


  • Promote general awareness

  • Foster open conversations

  • Tips to support your colleague and team

  • Resources to help colleagues

Equip leaders with CancerKind® skills & resources

(training and coaching)

  • Compassionate, practical support

  • Communication and decision making

  • Reasonable adjustments

  • Coach and mentor lead as they support their team

Foster a CancerKind® culture through functional support


  • Co-design policy and communication programs

  • Specific work plan and return to work plan templates

  • A ‘Guided Conversation’ tool for leaders

Contact Us To Make Your Workplace More CancerKind®