Bridget Barrett
Advisor – Strategy | Service Delivery
Bridget’s passion is to help women achieve their professional and personal goals which she does as an experienced and an accredited leadership coach. Her new found passion of running and her desire to continually explore the best life rounds out Bridget’s purpose. When you meet Bridget you will experience her gratitude and authenticity – these are her signature values!
Bridget has dedicated more than 35 years to public service in NSW, and in 2018 was recognised as one of 50 exceptional women in the NSW Public Sector, by Institute of Public Administration Australia (IPAA) award.
As an executive leader in NSW Government, Bridget has led transformation programs at Service for Business, Better Regulation Division, WorkCover and the Department of Housing. A couple of Bridget’s highlights included designing and digitising systems and processes for NSW businesses, implementation of governance frameworks to improve risk management, performance reporting, privacy, and the implementation of the National Work Health and Safety legislation.
Bridget translates complex and diverse programs into workable strategies that acknowledges the external and internal environment and takes stakeholders, customers and teams along the journey.
Bridget is now dedicating her time to coaching the next generation of leaders. At @Bridget Barrett Coaching, she empowers organisations and individuals to achieve their purpose and goals.
Bridget holds a Master’s in Commerce, is an accredited Institute of Executive Coaching and Leadership (IECL) executive coach and holds change management qualifications.
Bridget supports LiveWorkCancer® providing valuable input into our strategy, service delivery and customer experience.